Applying One-Piece Pouches

Hollister has two different types of one-piece pouches available.

These videos will help you learn to apply your pouch.

One-Piece Drainable Pouch

If you have a one-piece drainable pouch, Hollister's video, How to Apply a One-Piece Drainable Pouch, can guide you through the application process.

One-Piece Urostomy Pouch

If you have a one-piece urostomy pouch, How to Apply a One-Piece Urostomy Pouch from Hollister, can help you apply your pouch correctly.

The information provided herein is not medical advice and is not intended to substitute for the advice of your personal physician or other healthcare provider. This information should not be used to seek help in a medical emergency. If you experience a medical emergency, seek medical treatment in person immediately.

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